Thursday, November 21, 2013

Irrigation & Acid Injection System Update

If you can go back in time with me for a bit, the 2012 season was marred with numerous irrigation system issues.  Whether it was the numerous irrigation hydraulic leaks, well pump issues, or clogged heads; you name it, we seemed to have it.  Fast forward to the end of 2013, we are down to the numerous irrigation hydraulic leaks which is frustrating enough all by itself.

Well pump repair work being performed

The winter of 2013 we had the well pump work completed & it performed at 100%.  Check!!
We also installed the acid injection system to our irrigation pump system to help with the clogged head issue.

Acid injection system

Clogged irrigation head

Flushing the debris from the irrigation line

Debris that was flushed out of irrigation line
This system injects acid into the irrigation water as it is pumped through the irrigation system.  If effectively lowers the pH of the water from 7.8 to 6.5 thus having a cleaning affect on the build up of material that was clogging our irrigation heads.  After a season of operating the acid injection system, I can say without hesitation that it has helped to reduce the build up & clogging of the irrigation heads allowing them to operate properly & provide the proper coverage of the irrigated areas.

Irrigation heads operating properly
I look forward to operating the acid injection system going forward as I feel it will help completely eliminate the clogged head issue in another 1-2 years.