Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tree Removals

The winter season is when we get a majority of our tree work done but with the season extending and course cleanup 99% complete; we are getting a jump start on the tree removals.  As of today we have cut down & chipped 27 trees.  A majority of the removals this winter will be ash trees that have been infected by the emerald ash borer.

Tree cut down and limbed up for chipping.

The branches are put through the wood chipper.

Do you remember when trees were fun?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Green Complex Sod Work

While we have been busy with fall clean up from the leaves, we have been able to get quite a bit of sod work done around some green complexes and bunkers.

# 2 green.

# 3 Green

# 13
In addition to these 3 areas, we have also done some sod work at # 1, # 4, # 6, # 8, # 11, & #12.  The sod work should help to improve the playability around these greens.  Hopefully, next season will not be as dry as our current irrigation system does not have perimeter irrigation which makes if very difficult to keep our bunker faces & green complexes adequately watered.

Putting the Dragon to Sleep for the Winter

Myself and Cesar have had a very hard year dealing with the 97 irrigation leaks.  Around August of this year we started to call our irrigation system the Dragon due to the numerous "fires" we would have to put out.  Last week the irrigation system was winterized or "blown out".  This is done using a large compressor that pushes air through the irrigation pipe forcing the water to be blown out.

The compressor is attached to the main line in our pump house.
This practice is crucial as if it isn't done properly there will be broken pipe from the water expanding as it freezes in the pipe.

The air from the compressor forcing the water out.
Every irrigation head is turned on until all the water is out of the irrigation lines and heads.  Gladly the Dragon will sleep until April of 2013.  Sweet dreams!!

Beaver Be Dam!

A beaver taking out a tree along the creek.
We have noticed a busy little beaver over the past few weeks.  I haven't been able to get a good photo of this large rodent but have seen the evidence.  I believe the main dam is north of our property but I see signs of a 2nd home being built close to 3 green in Butterfield Creek.  We will try trapping him over the winter before any potential flooding issues are created.