Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Clean Up Isle 5

We had a little storm blow through the course yesterday and we got .3 inches off rain which was great.  Unfortunately, it came with some heavy winds which created a lot of tree debris on the course. 

# 8 Green
The greens, tees, & fairways have been blown off as well as cleaning/raking the bunkers.  The next few days we will be picking up the tree debris and hauling it to the dump.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rainfall has its Benefits, But......

While I have spent most of the golf season praying for rain, I do get a little nervous when we get to much at one time.  This can lead standing water on the fairways which is very dangerous to the turf when the temperatures are high.
#18 Fairway
The standing water can "cook" the turf like boiling an egg.  We do are best to remove the water off the surface but the saturated turf is still in harms way.

Turf thinning due to saturated conditions & heat.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cleaning Clogged Irrigation Heads

Usually during the spring start up of the irrigation system I expect to clean the irrigation heads to make sure they are operating properly.  Early last week when we began to irrigate after the previous weekends rain, I noticed a lot of irrigation heads were not working properly and throwing the water as it normally should.  This began a mad dash to check all the irrigation heads to make sure the irrigation heads were working properly and clean the heads that needed it.  On Thursday, myself and Cesar were able check/clean all the irrigation heads on the course.  This was done just in time as the heat required numerous syringe cycles to keep the turf cool and the course in great condition.  With the cooler temperatures and the .5 inches of rain this morning, I can say the course held up well and should get some recovery time before the next punch that Mother Nature will surely throw.

Clogged screen at the base of the irrigation head

Irrigation head removed and ready to flush

Flushing any debris from the irrigation lines