Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Well Pump Repair. Stage 1-Removal!

In June of 2012 our well pump, which supplies our water for the irrigation system; was performing at only 40% capacity.  With the uncertainty of the well pump meeting the necessary water requirements for the remainder of the 2012 season, the repair process was put into motion.  The necessary components to repair the well pump were ordered and on hand in the event a complete failure occurred with the hopes of limping the system through the season.  Fortunately, the well pump survived the 2012 golf season and the course didn't suffer any set backs due to the unavailability of water.  As the 2013 golf season approaches, the work is being performed now which will ensure a proper operating well pump moving forward.

Well Pump being prepared for removal and repair.

The service company preparing the crane for the removal of the column pipe.

Section by section of column pipe are removed.

Service crew removing the column pipe.

Notice the corrosion on the pipe.

Each section of column pipe will be inspected with the hopes of reusing.  Based on the initial visual inspection, the likelihood of reusing some of the existing column pipe doesn't look promising.
Stayed tuned over the next week for further updates on the well pump repair.