Monday, February 18, 2013

Emerald Ash Borer adds to the Winter Tree Work

The winter season is when we do the bulk of our tree work as it allows for us to be efficient with our time and not take away maintaining the golf course.  In November & December, we were able to remove over 40 trees that were either dead or damaged leaving us with around 25 trees that would require the services of a professional tree company.  Of the over 60 trees we are removing, 85% of them are ash trees that have been infected by the Emerald Ash Borer.

Infected ash tree.  The areas that are white in color are a sign of infection.
Notice the hole.  This is the entry point for the borer.
 The Emerald Ash Borer will infect the plant which will inhibit the trans location of water & nutrients from the roots to the rest of the tree.  Once infected the tree will die from the top of the tree down over a period of a few years.

3 Ash Trees have been removed by the cart staging area.

This area will be re landscaped in the spring.
In play areas on the course where trees have been removed, we will be planting new trees to help the areas transition into the future.