Saturday, April 26, 2014

Course Update....Patience Being Tried Severly!!

The update is that the status is still the same.  Course will play with 12 temporary greens for another week and the frustration will continue to build for all involved.  My frustration ultimately lies with Mother Nature as she has not delivered with consistently improved weather.  The Grounds Department has done all the right things from an agronomical stand point and put in the extra hard work but still Mother Nature sets in neutral.  On the good news front we have seen some improvement and signs of recovery albeit too slowly.

Seed germination beginning on greens.
The germination of the bent grass seed has started on the covered greens.  The covers have helped aid in increasing soil temperatures; while the covers are intrusive to golf, they are proving valuable from the recovery stand point.  It is my hope to see more germination by the first part of next week and to avoid any heavy frost due to cold weather as that just slows the recovery train down.

Solid tine aerification of fairways has been completed.  See the turf recovery in/near the holes??

Air is the key to life for all living things and nothing is more evident than the benefits shown in the photo above.  Hopefully the weather will become closer to normal so we can slit seed the fairway areas but until then we will get more recovery from the aerification.

Front range tee construction has started.
The front range tee box has been the focus this week.  Once again Mother Nature had an affect as the rain slowed down some of the progress.  As it stands now, the irrigation has been installed and rough shaping has been completed.  We just need a few dry days to finish the final grade and sod the tee.  We will be using low mow bluegrass sod to allow for the tee to be opened sooner.  The height of cut will be similar to the intermediate cut around the fairways. 

Hoping for sunny days and some control of the water.

The forecast for next week is more of the same horrible weather but hopefully May will be the needed change to the weather pattern.  I will update the blog next week with the status and any other relative information.