Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weather Prediction June 1st, 2013

The national weather center has given a more positive outlook than yesterday stating that a majority of the rain should be south of Chicago.  Well, we are south of Chicago so hopefully they are referring to Kankakee.  The rain overnight has moved east so that is a positive and with a forecast from 8am-12pm in the 20-30% range with an increase into the 40% till around 3pm where they go into the 60’s and continue to increase through the early evening hours.  I am hopeful that the trend of going south of us will continue and we get some decent golfing weather.

Better than yesterday morning but still way to many (everywhere) wet areas to allow carts.

There will be no carts allowed this morning but will reevaluate throughout the morning and decide on the remainder of the day 10-11am.  We have had 3.65 inches since Sunday night with .4 inches of those just clearing the area.  The turf yesterday was overly saturated but we did see improvement throughout the day. 

Best guess respectfully submitted,

Kurt Sams, CGCS